This is a much, much younger me in the second dress I ever made. Looking back, it was pretty horrible, but I learned so much when I was making it!
The green 1860s dress my friend Abigail is wearing here was made about the same time as my blue dress. It was pretty accurate, historically, looking back on it, and had a dog-leg closure and the skirt was cartridge-pleated. We both worked on it together, and laughed our faces off when we couldn't figure out why on earth the sleeves looked so funky and wouldn't fit! Thankfully, we discovered we'd stitched them on backwards, and quickly repaired the mistake.
And here, in this picture, the seventh from the right, is the first dress I ever made! I made it just before I started high school. It's a muslin regency dress taken from the Simplicity version of the Sense and Sensibility pattern. It has been altered, and my friend Hilary is wearing it here for a recent production of Pride and Prejudice, in which she played Kitty. The purple open robe (as well as most of the other costumes in this picture) she's wearing over it was made by the fabulous Emily Marsh, whose site you can visit here. (It's really worth taking a look at!)
That's all I've got for now, but I do have three 18th century hats, a 1790 jacket and a new early regency dress I made that I haven't shown you yet, so expect to see it in the next posting! Hope all yall have a good rest of the week and enjoy the weekend!