So, today I turned 18! And, because I like my birthday, I decided to post some of the things that are making me happy today!
The first one is my new mid-Victorian corset! My old one was awful and it hurt. So, I spent all day yesterday making this new one to wear to a ball tomorrow. I made it out of that pink toile which failed as a graduation dress, but is perfect for corsets.
I know it's not perfect, and there are wonky wrinkles which will go away when I replace the plastic bones with spiral steel, but now, I am not afraid of corset-making. All those curves always scared me, which is why I loved my stays so much. But now, I feel like I can do this whole corset thing!
I am still afraid of setting grommits though. Those are metal rings covered by hand sitched eyelets. I wore this corset today and it was really really comfortably and the eyelets did not tear!
The second thing is this parasol! I got it for.... wait for it.... FIVE BUCKS!! FIVE! at an antique shop nearby. I think it looks to be from about 1890... what do yall think?
The cover has some rust stains on it-- the fabric is extremely fragile in these places-- and there are some small holes and fading. However, the frame is in good shape and I just love it!
And last but not least, my furry buddy Radar, who probably hates me for putting that stupid bow in his hair. XD