oh, hello there!

Sunday, June 27, 2010

Think I Might Win?

I entered my blue open robe Jo Ann's Prom 2010 contest. The top prize is a scholarship, which would be fantastic, seeing as I'm off to college next year! I thought I'd enter it, fully knowing it's not what most people were wearing to prom. Although it is a natiowide contest, not many teenagers sew. Do you ladies think I might have a chance anyway?


  1. If I were the judge, yes, but I don't trust those Joanne people at all.

    Whatever happens, it is a gorgeous dress!

  2. anybody who drafts the Janet Arnold open robe, and does it THIS well, and wears it THIS well totally deserves to win. Hopefully the judges at JoAnn's will recognise the awesomeness of this!

    (love, Duchess, fellow drafter of The Robe)

  3. thanks, yall! dreamstress, i kinda know what you mean about the jo ann's thing... :/
